Alaska mountain meadow
Can you think of a time you had an obstacle between you and a goal you were eventually able to reach. Do you remember the feelings you had when you were first stumped by the obstacle? Did you feel gut wrenching pain in your stomach as your head started to pulse and your thoughts all turned to visions of failure? This experience seems common among most individuals. At this point there is a very important choice to make, allow the mental monsters to strike us down with fears and insecurities, or make a choice to find a way to overcome the obstacle and take action.
When you were able to overcome the obstacle and succeed towards reaching your goal, do you remember how that felt? Did you notice a sense of relief once you were able to put your mind into action towards solving the problem? How about once you physically moved into action and started taking the steps that eventually led to overcoming the obstacle and reaching your goal. The sense of relief that came and allowed you to overcome this obstacle by taking action will happen every time so long as you open your mind to believe a solution is possible and take action. This is the heart of self improvement. The ability to take action even if it seems small and inconsequential to you at the time will enable forward movement that taken one step at a time will lead you to reaching your goals.
Check out my blogs and learn tips for how to bring your life into balance. If you find these suggestions helpful please leave a comment and share your success stories. I love to hear how people are able to watch their dreams materialize as they take action steps towards reaching their dreams.