Aloha vast world of the internet! It's been quite some time since I found it in myself to pursue this blog thing. Last spring on March 7th my life changed in the most unexpected way. My husband was in a terrible accident, broke his neck and is now paralyzed from the chest down. Since that day life has become quite the journey and so many times I wanted to write about it but finding the time or motivation has been challenging. I have decided to take a different approach so I can write without feeling so much pressure. I've decided to write short blogs when I have time to share my experience. One thing I have done nonstop since the accident is look to the internet for other's experiences moving forward after spinal cord injury, especially wives experiences for some sort of soothing and reassurance everything is going to be okay. Now that I have made it to a point where things feel manageable and I do feel that everything will be okay, I want to add to the available content on the web that helps and hopefully reassures others. So for my first blog back I will simply say to those who are still lost and scared and unsure of the future, there is a way forward and it is possible for things to once again be okay! Yes, it will likely be an emotional roller coaster and some days will be hard (scary, painful, sad, frustrating...). There is strength to be found in the individual moments and there will be good ones. I send much love and giant embracing hugs to anyone going through this. Stay tuned for my future blogs for information on how I have found a way forward that has allowed me to find peace inside the storm.