Good morning beautiful people of the world! I pull up the old blog to share with you a lesson I have been learning on a deeper level lately. Sure I have always heard "there is more than one way to skin a cat" and other similar clichés. However, now that my husband is quadriplegic and I help him do most everything this lesson has a whole new level.
I have been reflecting much more often on just how surely I go about the day and believe in myself without question that I assume everything I do is the best way it can be done. This is not to say I lack an open mind or shun away constructive criticism. In my conscious awareness I am well aware that there is always room for improvement and that by listening to the constructive feedback of others I can develop and become stronger as a person. This is more of an unconscious way of being regarding the day to day tasks that we do so often we act on auto-pilot. Improving my awareness on this aspect makes me communicate better which leads me to ask instead of assume when I am helping my husband or anyone else. The big lesson I have discovered is not only that there is "more than one way to skin a cat" but that since we are all engaging in the world from our own unique perspectives, what is best for me can be different than what is best for someone else.
The journey forward helping your significant other after spinal cord injury is full of challenges. What I am learning though is that in all the challenge is huge opportunity for me to grow into an individual who loves from a well that has no bottom and who connects to the world in a way that allows me to contribute to something much greater than myself. As always, I wish you all the best on your journey's through life! Aloha!